PCTO | 2024/25 school year proposals

For the current school year, with reference to the Memorandum of Understanding between the Municipality of Bologna and the Regional School Office for Emilia Romagna - Office V, the municipal administration makes available to local schools some design paths, summarized in the attached diagram.
More information on the activatable paths can be found in the individual project sheets.
Higher Institutes that intend to collaborate with our Administration, must send, from 9.00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 16 and no later than 23.59 on Friday, October 25, their expression of interest through the compilation, by the educational institution, of the online form on the “Check Point” of the Regional School Office, active from 9.00 a.m. on October 16, 2024, in the appropriate section “Expressions of interest in the Paths for Transverse Skills and for Orientation at the City of Bologna, academic year 2024-2024", by 23.59 on October 25, 2024, taking care to keep the scan of the validated and sent forms in the records.
The educational institutions concerned will access the above-mentioned environment on the website of the Regional School Office, with the school credentials in their possession.
In the case of requests exceeding the indicated availability, the joint evaluation commission between the City of Bologna and the Bologna School Office will take into account the following selection criteria:
- arrival in chronological order of the expression of interest
- partial or total correspondence of the addresses of study to the required profiles
- simultaneous and equitable distribution of opportunities among the requesting schools.
For personalized courses for individuals, schools can directly contact the email cittaeducativa@comune.bologna.it
The working group on paths for soft skills and orientation of the City of Bologna is available to evaluate any proposals for possible collaborations, on specific projects, reported by schools, always through the email cittaeducativa@comune.bologna.it